Fire Dancer

Updates, Revisions, and Dia De Los Muertos, OH MY! by Robert Spradlin

So much to update!

First and foremost, today marks the debut of my new logo, designed for me by my dear friend and peerless graphic designer, Mr. Brady E. Poulsen. I adore it and am so grateful for his help in taking my brand up a notch.

You may also notice a few tweaks to the site. It's been a streamlined some and should load much faster. Now you can easily share with your friends on the go! HUZZAH! In addition, the categories have been refined some to better focus on the good stuff. Which brings me to...

The announcement of an entirely new gallery on the site, the Travel Spotlight! Here, I will be posting larger galleries focusing on the places and people I see and meet out and about in the world. I'm really excited about this and the chance to share with you all some less commercial work. I'll be writing a bit of a blog to correspond with each locale.

The pilot destination is the Dia de los Muertos celebration in my old stomping grounds of Missoula, Montana, November 2nd of this year.

What an amazing experience. It encompassed the macabre, the absurd, the profound, and most importantly, reverent of those who have paved the way for us, and a celebration of life still to come. Check it out!
